Dr Briony Banks
Senior Research Scientist
Briony is a cognitive psychologist, with research interests in learning, concepts and language. Her research has been published in journals including Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society; Cognitive Science; and Behaviour Research Methods.

Jennifer Barker
Senior Dean of Learning Design
Jennifer oversees the design of all Ambition’s programmes and research. Prior to working at Ambition, she led the design team at Teach First and before that spent nearly 10 years in teaching and senior leadership roles in Manchester. She is currently studying for a Doctorate at the University of Manchester.

Hannah Cheetham-Joshi
Dean of Impact
Hannah leads the Research team at Ambition. Before working at Ambition she worked as a Geography teacher and senior leader in two London secondary schools, and spent four years on the leadership team at Ark Teacher Training.

Jen Curran
Research Scientist
Jen is a social scientist, with research interests in how good professional development can improve retention and wellbeing for teachers. Jen is currently conducting doctoral research in education at Northumbria University, and also teaches on Ambition Institute programmes and at Northumbria University.

Dr Stefanie Meliss
Senior research Scientist
Stefanie is a cognitive scientist, with research interests in motivation, memory and data science. Her research has been published in journals including Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience; Frontiers in Psychiatry; and Behaviour Research Methods. Alongside her role at Ambition Institute, she also works at the University of Reading.

Peps Mccrea
Dean of Learning Design
Peps is an award-winning teacher educator, designer and author. Alongside his role at Ambition, he is a Director at Steplab, and author of the High Impact Teaching series. Peps has three Master’s degrees, Fellowships from the Young Academy and University of Brighton.

Dr Sam Sims
Research Lead
Sam leads Ambition’s research alongside his role at the UCL Institute of Education, where he is a quantitative education researcher. Sam has been published in journals including Learning and Instruction; the Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness; and American Educational Research Journal.