Research and Insight
This section features Ambition Institute's research and insight into educational disadvantage, teaching, school leadership and system leadership.
Decomposition and recomposition in training novice teachers
Decomposition and recomposition: effects on novice teachers’ enactment and transfer of behaviour management practices
The Expert Edits: The best conversations in education
As part of our commitment to getting better through sharing expertise and drawing on the best available evidence, we've put together free, downloadable journals filled with the best conversations in education.
Modelling evidence-based practice
Modelling evidence-based practice in initial teacher training: causal effects on teachers’ skills, knowledge and self-efficacy
Teaching quality and economic performance
New research commissioned by Ambition Institute shows that great teaching is a key driver of economic growth. Read more.
Developing non-cognitive skills: an exploration into schools' practice
A qualitative exploration of the approaches schools use to develop their pupil’s non cognitive skills.
Deliberate practice for teacher educators: a handbook
Harry Fletcher-Wood shares our participants' experiences introducing and refining deliberate practice in their schools.
The Learning Curriculum 3.0
Version three of Harry Fletcher-Wood's guide for teacher educators on how to teach teachers the science of learning.
Remote Teacher Development: A guide
Ambition Institute's Teacher Education Fellows share insights on how to support pupils and colleagues remotely.
School improvement in challenging contexts
This qualitative study gives us a fascinating, albeit small, insight into the behaviours of headteachers with different levels of expertise in response to similar school improvement challenges across England.
People Power
Our latest research looks at how MATs can lead the way and help England be the best place to be an educator.
Building Trusts
The second piece of research in a three-phase project by Ambition School Leadership investigating the traits of high-performing multi-academy trusts.
Learning: What is it, and how might we catalyse it?
The paper endeavours to provide a coherent, high-level overview of the science of learning – organised around nine insights, and their implications for our classrooms.
What makes an effective MAT?
Ambition School Leadership has conducted a three-phase project investigating the characteristics of high-performing multi-academy trusts (MATs).
How to use Incremental Coaching to support teacher development
Ambition School Leadership has published the first ever report into incremental coaching, a form of teacher development. The report suggests the practice is an effective way to foster the professional growth of teachers and leaders.
The Trust Diagnostic: a path to expertise, collaboration and peer review
Written by Sir David Carter this report is our first step in codifying and sharing best practice in multi-school improvement.
Research Insight: Effective middle leadership
What does it mean to be a great middle leader? Sam Baars describes LKMco's findings.
Persistently disadvantaged children make 20 months less progress in opportunity areas
Our research shows that persistently disadvantaged children in areas of low social mobility made 20.1 months’ less progress than their wealthier peers across England in 2015.
Executive Headteachers: What's in a name?
This report examines the role and impact of Executive Headteachers (EHT) in England's schools.
Expert Teaching: What is it, and how might we develop it?
This paper attempts to pull together the best available evidence from education and beyond, to offer a coherent, high-level overview of what expert teaching is, and how we can develop it.
Designing Professional Development for Teacher Change
This paper reviews the existing evidence around professional development to argue for the importance of an underlying theoretical model teacher educators can use.
Teaching Teachers: The bets of American teacher educators
A paper for teacher educators, by Matt Hood and Harry Fletcher-Wood
School Leader Expertise: What is it and how do we develop it?
This paper explores the topic of school leadership, attempting to answer the question: ‘school leader expertise, what is it and how do we develop it?’.
Isolated schools: Out on a limb
This research paper explores the relationship between school performance and relative geographical isolation in England, defined as the straight-line distance to the next nearest secondary school.