What is the Early Headship Coaching Offer?
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Date published 29 October 2021
Many teachers will be aware of the Government’s reform of the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) rolled out in September 2021.
However, you may not know that in addition to this framework for teachers’ qualifications, the government has also introduced an Early Headship Coaching Offer specifically to help new-in-post headteachers to thrive, excel and support their teachers and pupils to do the same.
But what does it involve, and how do you know if you can take advantage of the offer?
In this handy guide, we look into eligibility, the benefits for you and your school, and how to access the Early Headship Coaching Offer.
What is the Early Headship Coaching Offer?
The Early Headship Coaching Offer is a 12-month government programme which provides targeted support to new headteachers to help them find their feet and tackle the challenges and problems that come with the role.
The exact support you receive will be tailored to your needs, challenges and goals. As a provider of the NPQs and Early Headship Coaching Offer, we’ve developed a programme based on the evidence of what makes an effective headteacher. Your unique programme will include one-to-one coaching, shadowing experienced headteachers and ongoing personal development, all designed to help you tackle the persistent problems in your school.
School leaders are constantly faced with problems which are often ‘knotty’ and sometimes unsolvable. Ambition Institute has defined these as the persistent problems of school leadership – problems that are universal and unavoidable, which all leaders will face irrespective of the context they work in. With the Early Headship Coaching Offer, you’ll be able to share these problems with experts and peers to develop tailored solutions at each stage of support on the programme.
For example, if you’re struggling with an inconsistency of teaching quality across the school, you’ll build a plan that looks deeper into the context of the problem with your coach. You’ll then see what success can look like through a school shadowing visit, before finally reviewing your problem and building an action plan with your peers. Working through the Early Headship Coaching Offer, you’ll develop a stronger understanding of your problem’s root causes and build sustainable approaches to address these problems. As you progress over the 12 months, you’ll be able to check in with your coach to continually reflect on your solutions and progress.

Who is eligible for the Early Headship Coaching Offer?
To be eligible for the Early Headship Coaching Offer you must:
- Be a headteacher in a state school when you begin the training.
- Be within the first five years of your headship
- Either have taken the NPQH before beginning your headship, or are currently taking the NPQH
- Have not previously withdrawn from the EHCO (previously known as the Additional Support programme).
How will it benefit me and my career?
Becoming a head teacher in your school is hugely exciting, but no doubt daunting. With this kind of support, you won’t feel as if you’re taking the next step of your career alone.
You’ll have access to insight and knowledge from people who have been there and done it, as well as online resources created by fellow educators, with practical advice to help you tackle any challenges.
As well as expert one-to-one guidance, you’ll connect with people at similar points in their career to share experiences, feedback and moral support.
With such a wealth of experience and expertise behind you, you’ll be able to grow into the type of leader you want to become and build the career you’ve always wanted.
When can I access the Early Headship Coaching Offer?
The spring cohort of the Early Headship Coaching Offer is now open for applications – register your interest HERE.
Early Headship Coaching Offer
Ambition Institute is proud to be offering this programme of support to new headteachers.
Register your interest